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/ Software of the Month Club - Holiday 1996 / Software of the Month Club - Holiday 1996.iso / pc / win / funfax / hdayfax.exe

Jump To: Image (21)  |  Audio (2)  |  Document (1)  |  Text (6)  |  Other (12)

Images (21)

Audio & Music (2)
HORN.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 4s 208KB 1995-07-29
INCOME.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 19s 435KB 1995-07-27

Document (1)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
SOF_DOC.WRI Windows Write Document 15 37KB 1995-07-30

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
DIRPATH.DAT Text File 2 12b 1995-06-25
HDAYFAX.INF Text File 3 8b 1995-07-30
OCCASION.DAT Text File 25 1KB 1995-10-11
OCCASION.INI INI File 8 79b 1995-10-11
READY.OFX Text File 17 95b 1995-07-29
REGIST.TXT Text File 171 4KB 1995-07-03

Other Files (12)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
APIGUIDE.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 8KB 1993-07-08
CMDIALOG.VBX Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 7 19KB 1993-04-28
DWSPYDLL.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 68KB 1994-02-01
EXECFAX.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 92KB 1996-04-25
IMK.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 203KB 1994-07-28
KNIFE.VBX Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 4 51KB 1994-07-28
MMSYSTEM.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 62KB 1993-11-01
OCCASION.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 144KB 1996-04-25
SPIN.VBX Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 5 23KB 1995-02-09
THREED.VBX Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 37 65KB 1993-04-28
VBCTL3D.VBX Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 7 82KB 1995-03-16
VSVBX.VBX Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 17 92KB 1995-02-05